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5 Tips for a Healthier Summer5 Tips for a Healthier Summer


5 Steps to a Healthier Summer

Step 1: Workout early

The summer heat can derail your best intentions for an afternoon workout, so exercise in the morning. It’s best to avoid outdoor exercise between 10:00 am and 4:00 pm when the sun is strongest. Heat and humidity during this time force you to decrease the intensity or length of your workout and can put you at risk of overheating. The cooler temperatures and less intense sun make a morning workout more enjoyable.

Step 2: Hydrate

Dehydration can zap your energy quickly in hot and humid conditions. Determine your recommended water intake and find creative ways to keep track of it . Stick to your hydration plan, even if you don't feel thirsty.

Step 3: Eat seasonally

Summer is the best time to take advantage of the vitamins, minerals, and plant nutrients in fresh produce. Using fruits and vegetables to fill up with fewer calories will help you reach your summer weight loss goals. Lighten up side dishes with fresh salads and grilled vegetables, and satisfy your sweet tooth with seasonal fruit.

Step 4: Plan for treats

Summer isn’t quite the same without an occasional popsicle or scoop of ice cream. Plan for these treats by adjusting your food intake and your workouts to compensate for the extra calories. Skip a second helping at dinner so you can have dessert, or save treats for the days you can commit to a more intense workout.

Step 5: Create a restful evening routine

The change in daylight during the summer may influence your bedtime. When it’s still bright out at 8:00 pm, it can be more difficult to wind down from the day in preparation for a good night of rest. Create a routine that signals your body that it’s time for sleep. Close the blinds and end screen time 1 to 2 hours before you head to bed.

Lori Rice, M.S., is a nutritional scientist and author with a passion for healthy cooking, exercise physiology, and food photography.
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