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The Healthy Kitchen TestThe Healthy Kitchen Test


Woman chopping vegetables in a kitchen

A healthy diet starts in the kitchen. By having a fridge and pantry stocked with fresh ingredients and nutritious snacks, you can better control the foods you eat. A healthy kitchen also requires proper food handling and storage to keep you and your family safe. Take the following test to see if you have a healthy kitchen!

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Ways to HydrateWays to Hydrate


Ways to Hydrate

Hydration is essential for almost every bodily function. Allowing yourself to get dehydrated can zap your energy and take your motivation. Use a combination of these foods and drinks to stay hydrated.

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5 Popular Diet Terms Defined5 Popular Diet Terms Defined


Raw food diet

Raw food diet

A raw food diet is based on the belief that heating food damages valuable nutrients. As a result, the eating plan includes consuming foods that have not been heated above 118 degrees Fahrenheit. The diet is primarily composed of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and seeds. Some dehydrated or dried foods also meet the raw food criteria, depending on the dehydration process.

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Teaching Children Healthy CookingTeaching Children Healthy Cooking


Teaching Children Healthy Cooking

What are the Benefits of Teaching Children How to Cook?

Cooking healthy foods as a family can improve nutrition while providing quality family time. Cooking with children sparks an interest in healthy foods and can increase the willingness to sit down and share a meal as a family. Preparing food allows children to make a meaningful contribution to the family, which leads to a sense of accomplishment and can build self-confidence. The cooking skills your children develop will last into adulthood, giving them the tools they need to live healthier lifestyles.

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Benefits of Fermented FoodsBenefits of Fermented Foods


Benefits of Fermented Foods

Sauerkraut is fermented cabbage

Research shows that healthy bacteria in our bodies improve digestion and immunity. We can boost these healthy bacteria by eating foods that contain probiotics, like those found in fermented foods.

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Tips for Healthy GrillingTips for Healthy Grilling


Tips for Healthy Grilling

Practice food safety

When working with raw meats, poultry, and seafood, practice good food safety to prevent foodborne illness. Never use the same tray or plate for cooked meats that were used to bring raw foods to the grill. Wash your hands with soap and water after touching raw foods. Disinfect surfaces that have come into contact with raw foods. Stay mindful of the rags you use around the grill. If you've used them to wipe dirty hands, get a new one and designate it for clean hands only.

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Nutrition and ArthritisNutrition and Arthritis


Nutrition and Arthritis

What is arthritis?

Arthritis is used to describe joint pain or joint disease. According to the Arthritis Foundation, there are over 100 different types of arthritis affecting 1 in 5 people over the age of 18 and 1 in 250 babies and children. Arthritis symptoms include joint swelling, pain, and stiffness that lead to a reduced range of motion. Some forms of arthritis cause pain that comes and goes, while others result in pain that worsens over time. Arthritis can make it difficult to perform daily activities and regular exercise.

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How to Keep Healthy Foods FreshHow to Keep Healthy Foods Fresh


food storage berries


Berries are one of the most fragile fruits, and moisture can cause them to spoil quickly. It is best to store them unwashed and rinse them under cold running water just before eating. Discard any damaged or spoiled berries before storing them. Give your berries more space by removing them from the packaging and placing them in a single layer in a loosely covered shallow container. Most types of berries will last 2 to 3 days in the refrigerator.

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How to Control HungerHow to Control Hunger


How to Control Hunger

Understanding what causes hunger, how to stay full longer, and how to reduce cravings are important steps for weight loss. It allows you to make the necessary changes to control hunger before it takes control of you.

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