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Controlling Trigger FoodsControlling Trigger Foods


How to Control Trigger Foods

What is a Trigger Food?

A trigger food is any food that initiates overeating and a loss of control. For example, sugary foods can cause some people to crave more sweets. If you have difficulty stopping at one donut, you may need to reevaluate your relationship with sweets.

Here are two methods for controlling trigger foods.

Eliminate and reintroduce

Refraining from eating trigger foods can be helpful in the early stages of modifying your diet. Once you have established new habits, you can reintroduce small portions of these foods. A good rule of thumb is that about 90% of your daily caloric intake should come from nutrient-dense foods, and about 10% of your calories can be used for extras, such as sweets and salty snacks.

Portion control over time

Another approach is based on the healthy eating principle that no food should ever be off-limits. Some people find that any food restriction leads to increased obsession with it, which results in overindulgence. By including small portions, food obsession can decrease, and the cycle of overeating can be broken.

Portion control tip: You will likely overeat if you eat directly from the package. Instead, set aside your portion and put away the package before eating your first bite.


Only you can decide which approach will work best for you. Experiment with different methods and know that the underlying issue with trigger foods is almost always emotional, behavioral, or habitual. Focus the majority of your energy on trying to fix these underlying problems.

Lori Rice, M.S., is a nutritional scientist and author with a passion for healthy cooking, exercise physiology, and food photography.
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