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6 Ways to Renew Your Motivation6 Ways to Renew Your Motivation


Renew Your Motivation

Motivation can fluctuate as you work towards your goals. The same things that motivated you in the beginning may no longer spark your interest. If your excitement for exercise and healthy eating is dwindling, it’s time to find a new source of motivation.

Pick an Unfamiliar Goal

Losing weight, toning up, and gaining muscle are familiar goals for most people. Unfortunately, they are rarely enough to keep you going, even after seeing progress. A goal that forces you to step out of your comfort zone is what you need to truly get excited about healthy activities. Sign up for a healthy cooking class, like making sushi, Thai cooking, gluten-free baking, or vegetarian cooking. Pick an exercise you've always wanted to try and set a goal that pushes you to take the first step. Hike a challenging trail. Rent a bike to see if you enjoy biking on local trails. Try swimming at your neighborhood YMCA.

Seek Out Group Support

Everyone needs support to stick with healthy habits. You don’t have to exercise with someone every day, but checking in with others and discussing your progress keeps you motivated and on track. Sharing tips and tricks with others and gathering new ideas keeps things interesting. Find groups that meet regularly to hike, play a sport, or cycle. Sharing your success helps you to stay focused and accountable.

Plan a Healthy Month on the Calendar

Brainstorm some healthy activities that you enjoy. Create a calendar, and assign one of these activities to each day. These mini-goals will keep you looking forward to something new each day. Ask friends to join you, and consider adding a healthy reward for accomplishing everything at the end of each week.

Book a Self-care Day

Plan a day from start to finish that includes all the healthy activities you love. Put it on your calendar, and reserve this time for yourself to reflect on your progress and your goals. A healthy day might include taking an early morning nature walk followed by a visit to your favorite coffee shop for reading. Next, make a healthy lunch at home and then schedule a massage, or do something that makes you laugh, like seeing the latest comedy. End the day with a healthy dinner and a calming meditation or yoga practice. A day spent taking care of yourself can refresh your outlook and renew your motivation.

Make a Change

Think of one change you can make to switch up your normal routine. Maybe you swap evening workouts for morning workouts, add a group exercise class to your program, or swap red meat for fish several nights a week. These minor changes can get you out of a rut and renew your excitement about a healthy lifestyle.

Cleanse and Purge

This cleansing and purging has nothing to do with your eating plan. It’s about simplifying your life so that you can focus on the things that improve your health. Donate old clothes that no longer fit, and get rid of old tennis shoes that are worn out. Clutter can cause stress, which influences emotional eating. Clean your office, rearrange your workout room, and get organized. A fresh environment can lift your mood and renew your motivation.

Lori Rice, M.S., is a nutritional scientist and author with a passion for healthy cooking, exercise physiology, and food photography.
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