Weight, body mass index (BMI), circumference measurements, and body fat percentage are all good ways to assess your fitness progress, but they don’t tell the whole story. When you adopt a healthy lifestyle, you change more than your physical appearance. Don’t forget to pay attention to these improvements when assessing your progress and celebrating your success.
Cravings can be caused by a rise in cortisol from increased stress or inadequate sleep. Eating high-carbohydrate foods that cause a spike and drop in blood sugar can also trigger cravings. As you adopt healthier practices, like exercising to reduce stress and eating healthier foods, your cravings will decrease. They may not disappear completely, but you can control them and the amount you eat when you decide to treat yourself.
Hunger and Fullness
As you become a mindful eater, you will begin to recognize when you are truly hungry, which will help you to stop eating when you are full. After years of unhealthy dieting, it can be difficult to recognize true hunger and fullness again, so consider this a big step to improving your health.
Energy Levels
Healthy foods are rich in fiber and protein that help stabilize your blood sugar and prevent the spikes and drops that can zap your energy. Adopting healthy habits will boost your energy levels throughout the day. Pay attention to changes in how you feel at different times. You will likely find that your afternoon slump no longer occurs and that you awake each morning ready to take on your day.
Research shows that regular exercise promotes restful sleep as long as you complete your workout at least four hours before bedtime. Staying well hydrated, avoiding caffeine in the afternoon, and limiting alcohol intake can improve your sleep patterns. Healthy foods can reduce stress and anxiety — helping you get the rest you need to feel your best. Consider keeping a sleep journal that tracks how quickly you fall asleep, how long you sleep, and how you feel when waking. Compare this to your food diary and exercise log to determine the positive changes you’ve made to improve sleep.
Moving with Ease
As you become fit, daily activities will become easier. Pay attention to your breathing when you climb a flight of stairs. Note improvements in joint pain during your workouts. As the weight comes off and you become stronger, your body will begin to move more easily. The aches and pains you once felt will lessen and often disappear.